Course categories

M Phil (Applied Economics) 
 AE-304 Topics in Advanced Microeconomics
 CDS 01 Topics in Applied Macro Economics
 CDS 02 Topics in Applied Microeconomics
 CDS 03 Topics in Econometrics
 CDS 04 Economic Development
 CDS 16: India and the Global Economy
 MPH-00: MPhil Documents, Lecture and Exam Schedule and Calendar of Events This course allows guest users to enterSummary
 MPH-101.1-12:Principles of Statistics for Data Analysis
 MPH-101.1:Principles of Statistics for Data AnalysisSummary
 MPH-101.2:Field SurveySummary
 MPH-102:Applied Regression AnalysisSummary
 MPH-103:Topics in Applied EconometricsSummary
 MPH-104: Methodological Approaches to Socio-Economic ResearchThis course allows guest users to enterSummary
 MPH-201-12: Microeconomics
 MPH-201: MicroeconomicsSummary
 MPH-202: MacroeconomicsSummary
 MPH-203. Growth and Development Summary
 MPH-206: International Trade: Theory and PolicySummary
 MPH-207:Interdisciplinary Approaches in Development ResearchSummary
 MPH-208 Economics of Technological ChangeSummary
 MPH-301-12 Indian Economic Policy and Performance
 MPH-301: Indian Economic Policy and Performance
 MPH-302:Poverty, Inequality and Human DevelopmentSummary
 MPH-303 :Regional Perspectives of Indian Economic Development This course allows guest users to enterSummary
 MPH-304-14: India and the Global Economy
 MPH-304: India and the Global EconomySummary
 MPH-401-12: India’s Rural Development: Selected issues
 MPH-401: India’s Rural Development: Selected issues
 MPH-402-12: Indian Industrial DevelopmentSummary
 MPH-402: Indian Industrial DevelopmentSummary
 MPH-403: Aspects of the Colonial Indian EconomySummary
 MPH-404: Issues in Public FinanceSummary
 MPH-406:Gender and Development Summary
 MPH-407: Population and DevelopmentSummary
 MPH-408:Labour , Employment And Development This course allows guest users to enterSummary
 MPH-409: Legal Institutions, Empowerment and Economic Development in India
MA (Applied Economics) 

 MA-AE-000: Documents
 MA-AE-001: Guide to Books and Data
 MA-AE-002: Special Lectures

 MA-AE-101:Fundamentals of Microeconomic Theory
 MA-AE-102:Fundamentals of Macroeconomic Theory
 MA-AE-103 Mathematical Methods

 MA-AE-106:Economic Development
 MA-AE-105:Econometric Methods-2
 AE-107 –International EconomicsThis course requires an enrolment key
 AE-108 –Indian Economic DevelopmentThis course requires an enrolment key

 MA-AE-201:Public Economics
 MA-AE-204:Economics of Technology and Innovation This course requires an enrolment key
 MA-AE-206:History of Economic Thought

 AE 217: Behavioral EconomicsSummary
 AE-215 Political Economy, Development and Governanace
 AE-202 Industrial Organisation
 AE-210 Gender and Development
 AE-211 Labour and Development
 AE-212 Law, Economics and Development
 AE-214 Issues in Indian Industry
 AE-216 Economics of Project Evaluation -2
 AE-216 Economics of Project Evaluation -1
 MA-401 – Project
 MA-402 – Environmental Economics
 MA-406 – Issues in Indian Agriculture

Training Programme 
 Data Analysis Using RSummary
Training Programmes 
 Using Internet for Applied Development ResearchSummary
 PhD Evaluation 1Summary
 MA Evaluation -2Summary
 MA Evaluation -1Summary
